

Celesten hated the Alliance. She didn’t know much, but she did know that. She would stroll through Teldrassil and observe the disgusting elves that were interested in no more than playing their sexual games, always dancing and fondling one another. And it was even...


Seated inconspicuously in the back of the inn in Ratchet, Zijil sipped his arcane water casually. Narrow eyes rolling over the comers and goers, he pondered his new assignment. His new employer recruited him from the Revantusk tribe. Unassuming, calculating and...

Zijil Meets Celesten

She backed away. The young elf Celesten was obviously startled, though it was to be her first time meeting the mysterious man of her dreams, she had never imagined he would be this different. “Z-Zijil... Is that you?” She reverted to her native tongue of Darnassian...