
Pen Pals

Dear Lady Idryl Bitterose, I hope you will forgive the random nature of such a letter and grant me your patience in reading it fully. I am somewhat of an academic, a scholar of the magical arts; all the magical arts to some degree, I try. In particular, the arts of...

Idryl’s Research Tomes

Idryl sat in the small study, flicking through a heavy tome quickly, her careful green eyes scanning the messy notes and doodles, transferring some of the information to a lighter book. The room was lit by the high noon sun, the glare getting in her eyes slightly. She...

Idryl’s Diary

Dear Diary, I agreed to move in with J.J. today. Things are complicated, of course. He’s married to Anjasa, whom is of course living with him as well. They’ll be sharing a bed, and I’ll have my own separate bedroom. Just as well for that. I prefer my privacy, after...

The Change Will Come

His tanned wrists were bound, expertly, the flesh of the delicate skin pressed tightly together as his hands were drawn over his head, elbows flexed only slightly. His legs were splayed, leather cuffs fastened tightly around his ankles. His body was lean and toned,...

Love Letters

A beautifully written letter on expensive paper. Despite the skill and quality of the writing and instruments, a couple mistakes are made and crossed out. My lady Id, As I await renewed assault in these chilled towering halls, I find my mind ever drifting back to you....

Puzzle Pieces

It was just after dawn break when Anjasa stirred in her oversized bed. Easily big enough to comfortably sleep up to six large people, it only held two small elves tonight. She curled into his strong arms and though he shifted at her movements, she quickly coaxed him...