The Ways In Which We Write and Reach Out

The Ways In Which We Write and Reach Out

Normally we talk a lot about the typical sort of thing, us authors do enjoy talking about our for-sale books, and why wouldn’t we? That’s what puts the food on the table for many, that’s the substance of our dream before us: our physical (or at least e-physical) proof...

Censorship, the End of Erotica, A Hope?

Censorship, the End of Erotica, A Hope?

Despite our best efforts to play by Amazon’s rules (their rather unhelpful “about what you’d expect” rule that is) our publishing account was suspended this week. We watched in horror as our whole livelihood -- my full time job -- was threatened before our very eyes,...

Book Burning in the Digital Age

A crusade is reignited and a new witch hunt has begun. As the past has always indicated to us, yet again it’s the weak who shall suffer and the strong who proper, regardless of the intents of the morally indignatious. If you’re not aware, the media, abetted by a...

Urge to Breed – Musings on a Picture

Urge to Breed – Musings on a Picture

My greatest sexual desire is probably the urge to breed. To shove my dick into a warm, fertile cunt and dump my load with full knowledge of the chances of knocking her up. Yet, I love and respect my partner so much, and cherish her for being my equal, and don’t wish...

Inspiration: The Warlord’s Concubine

Inspiration: The Warlord’s Concubine

One of the most common questions you get as an author is: where do you get your inspiration? It’s also one of the most complicated and yet simple questions to answer. Anywhere and everywhere, sums it up. Though that’s not particularly helpful or informative to...