Keepers of the Library #14

Keepers of the Library #14

Today we're going to talk about finding a partner, even if it's just for casual sex or erotic role play, and also our top 10-ish horror movies! Direct Download Here's our complete list of what horror movies we've recently loved in no particular order: Haunting /...

Sex Workers & Canadian Laws

Sex Workers & Canadian Laws

Prostitution has never been illegal in Canada. However, there were certain things associated with being a certain type of prostitute that were. In the end, being a prostitute was legal, unless you were poor and unable to work in the comfort and security of a safe home...

Empathy and Beautiful Sorrow

Maybe it’s because I’m an empathetic person, but I didn’t really find it funny or strange that the character in American Beauty was able to find such beauty in nothing more than garbage. Some days I, too, feel like I will be overwhelmed by the sorrowful beauty in the...

Death, Mourning, and Loss of Friends

Death doesn’t wait for everything to be perfect. There was this silly saying that I used to mindlessly repeat, that no one dies with an empty inbox. I thought I got it – that there will always be things to do. But that’s not really what it means it all. It means that...

Hiding in Plain Sight

*Originally posted on OneHandedWriters, a blog for romance and erotica readers & authors.* No individual is one-dimensional. We're all different, depending on who knows us. Depending on what parts of our personalities we let people in on. We can be depraved or...

Banned Books – October 2013

Banned Books – October 2013

Hey, We just wanted to let you know that things have gotten rather serious with our vendors as Joshua wrote about the other day. Kobo has temporarily removed all of our books along with many other authors. Amazon has removed the Teenage Slut series from sale and we're...

Book Burning in the Digital Age

A crusade is reignited and a new witch hunt has begun. As the past has always indicated to us, yet again it’s the weak who shall suffer and the strong who proper, regardless of the intents of the morally indignatious. If you’re not aware, the media, abetted by a...

Is Having Rape Fantasies Normal?

Is Having Rape Fantasies Normal?

I know this is a common question. It’s one of the things that people want to know. Male, female, trans, cis, gender fluid… it doesn’t matter. People of all genders, of all sexes, of all orientations may, at times, have rape fantasies. And yes, it’s okay. I won’t go so...

One Handed Writers

One Handed Writers

I'm now a blogger over at One Handed Writers, joining the ranks of many other awesome erotica authors. I post every other Sunday, and my first post is now live! Check it out! Make sure to leave a comment over there!

Women and Rape Erotica

Women and Rape Erotica

I get off on the fantasy of rape, non-consent, reluctance, dubious consent, etc. It's one of my favourite kinks to write erotica about. That’s not an easy thing to admit as a self-described feminist. Even though a large percentage of women (and men!) do have rape...