
Banned Books – October 2013

by | Oct 26, 2013 | Blog, Erotic, Personal, Writing | 6 comments


We just wanted to let you know that things have gotten rather serious with our vendors as Joshua wrote about the other day. Kobo has temporarily removed all of our books along with many other authors. Amazon has removed the Teenage Slut series from sale and we’re sure more will follow.

A media campaign has been happening, internationally, about erotic content available for sale in online bookstores and it’s been causing authors and readers a lot of pain and hardship. This content is 100% legal to write about, and read about, in almost every country. We support adults being able to explore their desires, no matter how dark, and we’ve always written our stories with that in mind.

If you don’t think corporations should get away with this, aside from reading a banned book, please go make some noise on the Facebook pages for Amazon, Kobo and Barnes and Nobles. Not just for me or other authors, but for every reader who loves a darker story.

Further, there’s a petition you can sign on Change.org. It already has over 12,000 signatures and is growing fast. Sign and share, let’s see if we can show booksellers that, no matter how loud the media is, readers are the only ones who matter.

Thank you for your support! Now, more than ever, authors need readers. As always, we can be reached at admin@jmkeep.com and would love to hear your input on this matter.

Michelle & Joshua


  1. kefka

    wow, that’s harsh. I don’t see what they are getting so censor happy about. I bought your monster in the woods series hoping to find a rare thing in breeding erotica, an actual birth scene. visually it seemed pretty tame compared to some other stories I have bought on Amazon, but the underpinning darkness of the scenario and the monster
    s dialogue provided way more erotic titillation than expected.
    I picked your story because one reviewer said they were “grossed out” which I took to mean that the story must have followed through with the birth. I’m glad to see I was right. Now if only the initial breeding and birthing were a bit more descriptive It’d been perfect in my book and I would happily become a regular buyer of your future stories
    Well, all I can say is keep up the awesome breeding stories. If the censors get uptight over the mere implication of kinkiness in your stories, no erotic writers are safe to make good sales.

    • J. E. Keep

      Hah That’s awesome, the way you got interested in the second.

      I actually wanted to make that scene more gruesome, but I worried about not only about sicking out readers but Michelle as well.

      You can’t win them all though, some people were still grossed out, but your encouragement makes me want to continue with those stories as I had planned and not worry about anything else.

  2. Emma

    Where can I buy Monster in the woods series??? I can’t find it anywhere!

    • M. Keep


      They’re not currently available so I’ve email you copies 🙂

  3. KJ

    I had purchased the entire “Teenage Slut” series from B&N and loved them, but couldn’t find them for forever. Guess now i know why. They deleted them from my library, which really p*sses me off. I wonder how many others they’ve deleted and I just can’t remember that names to check. Sucks they can get away with that.

    • M. Keep

      Wow, that’s honestly bullshit! I’ll send you an email with the collection!


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